Once you register, you receive a piece of ‘land’ to build upon and a virtual toolbox containing a large set of instruments to reshape you ‘estate’ the very way you envision. Garry’s Mod is an open sandbox allowing users from all over the world to create and share self-constructed minigames, from simple platformers to complex simulators. Is there any cure for it? If only you were able to create a game of your own, according to your own preferences and vision… Guess what, now you have such a chance! All you need is to sing up with Garry’s Mod and start building your own virtual world where everything will be just like you want! Excited? Time to learn a little more about this amazing project! However, all those games finally get boring. Every day, new titles are born and it’s easy to be confused by their diversity. Nowadays, the number of online games available in the internet is simply limitless.